What do you call one hundred dead nazis, re-incarnated?
A jewish law firm.
ha ha ha. Please tell me if that was just in really bad taste.
In the meantime, here are things that might interest you:
- The Dead Nazi faq
- Livejournal Icons!-- illuminate your lj-or-whatever with your favorite dead nazis. Nifty!
- The Dead Nazi Quiz-- One of us or not, check out all the fun dead things you /could/ be!
Although, as quizilla's gone through some changes, so too must this quiz... updates to come later, so we hope.
- Dead Nazi Gear-- Now the world can marvel at your consumate Deadness-- sport some dead nazi gear today!
- Dead Nazi dot Blog-- being the whinging and angst and what have you of This One here, a collection of all things Godwin'd, and maybe some lolnazis too.